How we improved our 30-day retention rates by 219% and our conversion rate by 268%.

Ux • Graphic Design • Programming


By the time we got our iOS product at feature parity with our web offering it was already looking dated and we in need of an overhaul. Over the course of a year we updated many aspects of the product and refined the overall user experience. As a result we saw a 219% increase in our 30-day retention rates and our conversion rate to purchase increase by 268% while maintaining the same price point.


BrainHQ is a computer based cognitive remediation therapy that has been shown to significantly improve issues stemming from neurological conditions. 120+ published peer reviewed studies show efficacy in areas such as dementia, schizophrenia, ADHD, driving risk, chemo brain, and hemineglect to name a few. In addition to a consumer facing product we currently have partners that range from pro football teams to auto and health insures.


Based on dozens of interviews we gathered a list of key questions asked by novice users who participated in our user testing sessions. The answers to these question became the foundation for our new on boarding process.


I revamped the interaction design for the navigation and used key elements in the product to lead people from one area of the app to the next.


After user testing it became clear that most people weren’t clear on how the activities they were engaging in translated into benefits. To help bridge this gap we added additional screen to help explain the benefits of the activities and how these benefits applied to daily life.


In addition to providing more information about the benefits of each exercise we also added features to let them customize the focus of their training in specific areas such as memory, driving safety, navigation, or brain speed.


We added a badging system to the product to help people keep track of how far they’d progressed in different areas. We also used them as a way to highlight subtle areas of change in the product that were important to improving cognitive performance but weren’t necessarily obvious to people going though the training.


We choose to display progress in the context of how much effort a person put into the product. The graph is normalized to the users best score, not the best score they could achieve to help them see how they improved at an exercise. We also broke the scores down by days and tied those days to the seasons so people could get a sense of how much effort they’d invested in the product over time.


We also allowed people to look at the amount of training they did over time with a focus on weekly goals. We found that people who set weekly goals had higher retention rates and we found ways to tie this into weekly personalized email campaigns to help people gauge how they were doing in the product.


I also created a new app store preview that helped explain the product.